Who Have We Given To
412 Food Rescue
The 9th Street Clinic
Advancing Academics
Braddock Redux
Camp Soles
Carnegie Library of McKeesport
Center for Victims
Elizabeth Township Area EMS
Fire Dept. of North Versailles
Jamie's Dream Team
Kane Family Council
McKeesport Area Meals on Wheels
McKeesport Area Rescue Service
McKeesport Area Technology Center
McKeesport Collaborative
Meals on Wheels of Elizabeth Forward
Mon Valley Circles
Mon Yough Community Services, Inc.
Mon/Yough Trail Council
Munhall Ambulance
Munhall Volunteer Fire Co. #1
Rainbow Kitchen Community Services
South Allegheny School District
UPMC McKeesport
UPMC McKeesport Kelly Clinic
Vigilant Hose Co#1 of Port Vue
White Oak EMSYMCA of Wilmerding/McKeesport

Apply for a Grant
The McKeesport Hospital Foundation now offers two different types of quarterly community grants. For those organizations seeking funds for health-related programs, you are invited to apply for one of our Community Health Grants.
For those organizations seeking funds for programs that are not directly focused on health, such as education or scholarship programs, environmental impact programs, or other community service-related programs, you are invited to apply for one our
Community Wellbeing Grants.